Поддерживающие зажимы

Сечение провода, мм²
16-95 мм²Описание
Предельная нагрузка даН —1200
Ед. изм. — шт.
SUSPENSION CLAMP (SC) is designed for supporting Insulated Aerial Cable (ABC) having messenger cable size ranging from 25 to 120mm² in straight and at angles. The body of the suspension clamp is supplied with the tightening piece consisting of screw and clamp, enabling the messenger cable to be fitted (locked) in to the suspension groove. The body, the movable link, tightening screw and clamp are made of reinforced thermoplastic, a U-V radiant resistant material having mechanical and climatic properties. The suspension clamp is flexible in the vertical direction because of the movable link and also served as a weak link in the suspension of the aerial cable.
Сечение провода, мм²
16-95 мм²Описание
Предельная нагрузка даН —1200
Ед. изм. — шт.